Suicidal Deaths, did you know is more than accidental deaths?

The car is sent for service regularly, when the actual servicing needs to be done here. (mind)

Owning a car is a sign of economic prosperity, but how many of us look into the ‘ecological poverty’ in here. (mind)

We measure the return on investment in a car  in terms of mileage, but how many of us realise the amount of returns, this investment called ‘You’ can generate?

Good evening fellow toastmasters and guests,

In the world of economics, there is a fundamental concept called the demand and supply curve.As the demand for something increases, so should the supply! Right?

However, this investment called ‘you’, will work the other way round.‘You’ will create the demand, through a supply called ’service’. Better the quality of service, greater the demand.Your service to this economy could be in absolutely any form.  It could be in the form of scoring runs for your country, It could be in the form of acting in front of a camera or It could be in the form of giving an inspiring speech in front of a large crowd.

Let me give you my example. I was a Chartered Accountancy student who was so proud To serve an MNC as an intern. In return, the company served me packages every month to  my bank account. Initially, I was so happy to see these packages, because I was able to buy things I could never afford.

But, what about the work I was doing? Was I enjoying it? No! I was actually slow poisoning myself by doing something I didn’t even enjoy. I was turning myself into something I was not.

Now I had to take a tough call. Do I continue to slow poison myself or Do I just find a better way to serve this economy ?

After a lot of brainstorming, I decided to quit my job and fell in love with this service called ‘Logo Designing’. To provide quality design service, I had to master three things, ‘drawing’, ‘colouring’ and ‘shading’.

In three years of Chartered Accountancy, the only thing I learnt to draw was vertical and horizontal lines to create accounts. Hence, I put in my initial efforts in improving my drawing skills. When it came to coloring, the only colour I used In CA was ‘GREEN’, because green ink meant that the amounts in the invoices and the amounts in the records are matching. Finally, I went from balancing numbers in different accounts, to balancing the use of light and dark shades of colour. And that’s shading.

I put in sincere efforts day-in and day-out like how a bird builds it’s nest. I was hungry to learn something new every single day. A few months later, I started to observe a noticeable improvement in my work. Soon, I managed to get recognised in the design community.

For some strange reason, my logo design work drew the attention of more people abroad than in our country. But that doesn’t really matter. All I know now is that, I was definitely, the best investment for myself.

Always remember, ‘the service’ you provide will create that demand only when it is good. A biryani will taste good, only when it’s ingredients are good. So, how good are your ingredients?

The only way to make your ingredients good is by investing your time and energy into it. Work on the skills you already have and discover new talents hidden in you.

Like how you discuss ways to invest money, plan best ways of investing time, energy and attention in making yourself better. Provide the best service you can to this economy. Make sure the service you provide, matches the economy’s needs. When that happens, not only the demand for ‘you’ will rise, but so will the price.

Tap into and present the best potentials investment called ‘you’. And trust me, this economy will empty its’ pockets for you.So friends, start investing in this beautiful asset called ‘you’.You are blessed with all the potential to generate a return higher than any other asset.

Learn to observe yourself, serve yourself and only then deserve the life you always want to live.